Florida Injunctions For Protection

Five Types

There are five different types of injunctions for protection in Florida.  The five different types of injunctions for protection in Florida are:  Injunction For Protection Against Domestic Violence; Injunction For Protection Against Dating Violence; Injunction For Protection Against Stalking;  Injunction For Protection against Repeat Violence; Injunction For Protection Against Sexual Violence.


Each different type of injunction for protection has specific legal requirements that have to be met by the person seeking the injunction for protection.  The specific legal requirements are important because if they are not met the judge should deny the request for the injunction for protection.

Temporary Versus Permanent Injunctions For Protection

When a person seeking an injunction for protection goes to the courthouse to get an injunction for protection a judge reviews the request and decides if there is a legal basis to grant a temporary injunction for protection.  If the judge grants a temporary injunction for protection the temporary injunction for protection will remain in effect until the hearing on the permanent injunction for protection.

Service Of The Temporary Injunction For Protection

The hearing for the permanent injunction for protection is supposed to be within fourteen days  of the granting of the temporary injunction for protection.  This time gives the sheriff’s office time to serve the person who the injunction has been issued against with notice of the temporary injunction which also includes the notice of the date, time and location of the hearing for the permanent injunction.

Hearing For The Permanent Injunction

At the hearing for the permanent injunction for protection the judge will decide if the temporary injunction for protection will be made permanent or will be dismissed.  If the judge decides to make the injunction for protection permanent the judge can also require the person against whom the permanent injunction for protection has been placed to complete counseling.  Some of the types of counseling a judge can require is the batterers’ intervention program, anger management counseling, mental health counseling and drug and alcohol counseling.

The Lawyer

Call 407-740-8300 for a free consultation with a lawyer with 20+ year experience representing individuals both seeking injunctions for protection and defending people against injunctions for protection.

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