Florida Prostitution, The Prostitution Sting And Florida Statutes
The Prostitution Sting
The Buyers
In Florida the prostitution sting comes in various forms but is most often a female undercover officer working an area which is well known to law enforcement for prostitution. Unlike in movies an on television the female undercover officer is usually dressed in normal clothing like jean shorts and a tank top not lingerie and thigh high boots. These types of prostitution sting operations are focused on arresting buyers. For more information on prostitution, the buyers and Florida law click here:
Florida Prostitution, The Buyer And Florida Statutes
The Sellers
Law enforcement also do prostitution sting operations on prostitutes, the sellers. These are most often done by having an undercover officer approach suspected prostitutes in an area known to law enforcement for prostitution and ask the prostitute for sex for money. For more information on prostitution, the sellers and Florida law click here:
Florida Prostitution, The Seller And Florida Statutes
Prostitution sting operations are also done by sending an undercover male officer into a massage place to solicit the female giving the massage for sex. For more information on prostitution, the buyers and Florida law click here:
Florida Prostitution, The Buyer And Florida Statutes
Prostitution sting operations are done by an undercover law enforcement officer placing a fake advertisement online for escort services and then meeting the interested individuals a hotel and arresting the buyer or by going online and searching for advertisements and contacting the person and making a deal for sex for money and then meeting the person at a hotel and arresting the seller. For more information on prostitution, the buyers, the sellers and Florida law click here:
Florida Prostitution, The Buyer And Florida Statutes
Florida Prostitution, The Seller And Florida Statutes
The Lawyer
Call 407-740-8300 for a free consultation with a 20+ year experienced former Seminole County prosecutor to find out what can be done to get your charge dropped.
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